2020年5月10日,五月的第二個星期日,是國際母親節,更是億嘉國際一年一度的「億嘉國際全球感恩日」。特別時期,距離讓思念和愛意更濃烈,愛和溫暖的力量越強大,因為愛,我們終相見。來自新加坡、馬來西亞、澳洲、日本、欧洲、香港、台灣、美國及加拿大等地區的全球億嘉人通過線上直播的方式,共同參與了第二屆「億嘉國際全球感恩日」。億嘉集團創辦人兼董事局主席郭炳廷先生與大家分享了設立「億嘉國際全球感恩日」的初心 — 感恩父母、感恩他人以及感恩一切。活動結束前,全球億嘉人更在向螢幕前的對方擺出大大的愛心。付出愛,分享愛,才能被世界溫柔相待。
2019年9月11日,應BC省兒童醫院的邀請,加拿大執行董事Jessie Ren攜部分會員和公司員工對兒童醫院進行了慈善訪問。同時,億嘉加拿大慈善基金會創辦的「UP﹗」兒童慈善項目向BC省兒童醫院現場捐贈了9,055加幣。
2019年9月7日,億嘉國際加拿大攜手溫哥華全球知名頂級會所Arbutus Club,舉辦了產品説明會暨籌款晚宴。當晚白色主題,公司高管與會員們共130人身穿白色衣裙盛裝出席高檔晚宴。當晚我們為溫哥華兒童醫院基金會捐款超過1,000加幣。
2019年8月24日,億嘉國際加拿大聯手BC省兒童醫院舉辦了慈善燒烤派對,旨在為BC省患病兒童獻出一份愛心。本次活動也是億嘉加拿大慈善基金會創辦的「UP﹗」 兒童慈善項目,與BC省兒童醫院合作的首場慈善活動。活動當天衆多夥伴積極參與,現場募集善款高達6,000加幣。
2019年7月24日,億嘉愛心的腳步再次來到馬來西亞恩惠之家,為孩子們送去溫暖的關懷與慰問。本次慈善之行由億嘉國際集團創辦人兼董事局主席郭炳廷先生 (以下稱主席)親自領隊,帶領全球合作夥伴們一起奉獻愛心,攜手關愛,改變世界。
2018年9月9日(星期日),億嘉國際來到位於吉隆玻的恩惠之家兒童福利機構進行募捐,攜手關愛,改變世界。億嘉國際致力協助更多未來的國家棟樑擁有更良好的成長環境和條件。“柴多火焰高,人多力量大”,億嘉國際借此機會帶領更多夥伴將愛的精神回饋社會。<br />
Under the guidance of Yi Jia International leader Jessie Ren, the Vice President of North America and Executive Director of Canada, leaders and all staff volunteered at Oakridge Seniors Centre pension center with a donation CAD $10,000 to the head of Oakridge Seniors Mary for public welfare on June 7, 2018.
On April 28, 2018 Mr. George Guo Bingting handed a cheque of USD 10,000 to the representative of DonorsChoose --- the Community Partnerships Manager, Shanta Foster at Opening Ceremony of Yi Jia International New York Branch Office.
On April 28, 2018 Mr. George Guo Bingting handed a cheque of USD 10,000 to the representative of Project Sunshine --- the Chief Operation Officer, Christine Lackowski at Opening Ceremony of Yi Jia International New York Branch Office.
On April 28, 2018 Mr. George Guo Bingting handed a cheque of USD 10,000 to the representative of ReadWorks --- executive Directors, Katy Laird and Kathy Bloomfield at Opening Ceremony of Yi Jia International New York Branch Office.
On April 28, 2018 Mr. George Guo Bingting handed a cheque of USD 20,000 to the representative of Aidan’s Red Envelope Foundation --- Aidan’s Red Envelope Foundation Founder, Nancy Leung at Opening Ceremony of Yi Jia International New York Branch Office.
On April 22, 2018, staffs of Taiwan Branch Office together with colleagues from Taipei, Taichung and Tainan bring warmth and hope for students to Huei-Ming Shcool for the Blind by sending them supplies and materials.
On March 12, 2018, YiJia International donated AUD 20,000 to the children in Chinese Parents Association (CPA), hoping that the love from YiJia would ignite the hope for these little angels.
On March 3th, 2018, Yi Jia International donated HKD 201,600 to the Alliance of Ex-Mentally Ill of Hong Kong at the “Go Forth with Love” Charity Gala Dinner cum Sharing Session to help more people in need.
On March 3, 2018, employees and partners from Yi Jia International Australia Branch Office visited Chinese Parents Association led by Yi Jia International Group Vice President & Australia Branch Office General Manager Mr. Liu Tao, sending blessings and love to the children there.
On February 8, 2018, led by Yi Jia International Vice Presidents Mr. Yang Ji’an and Mr. Liu Tao, employees of Yi Jia International Group visited the staff members of Shenzhen Canyou Software Company, Canyou E-commerce Company and the Canyou headquarters, sending blessings and love to them for the upcoming Spring Festival.
On February 3, 2018, partners from Yi Jia International Malaysia paid a visit to the House of Joy, making donations to the children there.
On 6 January, 2018, Yi Jia International handed over a donation cheque of NTD 300,000 to the principal of An Shuo Elementary School to subsidy the children there.
On 6 January, 2018, Yi Jia International handed over a donation cheque of NTD 200,000 to the principal of Hui-Ming School, sending warmth and hope to the children there.
On December 31, 2017, Yi Jia International bid for two Thang-ga paintings at the New Year Dharma Assembly in Hong Kong, donating RMB 480,000 for the Mercy Fund as learning and living expenses for 50 kids for one year.
Chairman Guo handed over a MYR 20,000 cheque to Ms Leslie - representative of the House of Joy, to arouse public attention to care for more children.
On October 28, 2017, Yi Jia International Group Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting and his wife Ms. Amy Xie donated HKD 200,000 to Dr. Alice Yuk - principal of Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired at the 3rd Anniversary of Yi Jia International Hong Kong Branch Office. The donation will be used to purchase materials for its Noir Music.
On October 28, 2017, Yi Jia International Group Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting and his wife Ms. Amy Xie donated HKD 100,000 to the Food Angel, expecting to send delicious food and warmth to more special groups.
On September 24, 2017, at the Yi Jia International Canada 1st Anniversary, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting donated CAD 1,000 to 609 Stevenston Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron.
On September 24, 2017, at the Yi Jia International Canada 1st Anniversary, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting donated CAD 9,000 to Salvation Army.
On September 24, 2017, at the Yi Jia International Canada 1st Anniversary, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting donated CAD 10,000 to Oakridge Senior Center.
On September 24, 2017, at the Yi Jia International Canada 1st Anniversary, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting donated CAD 10,000 to SUCCESS Foundation.
8th August 2017, a 7 scale magnitude earthquake strikes Sichun Province, Jiu Zhai Gou District, Yi Jia International immediately used Yi Jia Foundation to send over 200 tents to the disaster affected area.
On June 3, 2017, at the 13th Yi Jia International Heroes Award Ceremony, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting and his wife Ms. Amy Xie, as well as Yi Jia Charity Ambassadors including Ms. Sun Jiajing, Ms. Liu Xinyu and Ms. Ma Yafang, donated NTD 362,900 to Hsing Zhong Elementary School to create a better learning environment for the children there.
On June 3, 2017, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting and his wife Ms. Amy Xie donated NTD 840,000 to Yi Jia Lions Club at the 13th Yi Jia International Heroes Award Ceremony to send love and hope to more vulnerable groups.
On June 3, 2017, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting and his wife Ms. Amy Xie donated NTD 5,020,126 to Huei-Ming Shcool for the Blind at the 13th Yi Jia International Heroes Award Ceremony to care for the children there.
On January 8, 2017, Yi Jia International which adhered to love culture did not want to lag behind in charity, thus about 200 family members responded positively to the initiative and raised about HKD 200,000.
<p style="text-align: justify;">On January 8, 2017, Yi Jia International which adhered to love culture did not want to lag behind in charity, thus about 200 family members responded positively to the initiative and raised about HKD 200,000.</p>
On 24 September, 2016, witnessed by legislator Li and family members, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting handed over a CAD 20,000 cheque to the representative of SUCCESS Foundation, meaning that Yi Jia’s charity career has taken root in Canada.
On 26 August, 2016, witnessed by Singapore’s Minister of State for Health Dr. Lam Pin Min, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting and Charity Ambassador representatives handed over a SGD 300,000 cheque to Mr. Toh Soon Huat, Chairman of Sian Chay Medical Institution, for the adoption of its 610 Geylang Main Branch. We are poised to send more warmth and hope to the poor and needy.
In June 2016, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting led a delegation to conduct a field trip at An Shuo Elementary School, Taitung County, and decided to donate NTD 633,200 to fund the renovation project of the seminar room for teachers there. On 30 July, 2016, Yi Jia International Vice-president Ms Jiang Bo, accompanied by Yi Jia Charity Ambassador representatives, handed over the cheque to the headmaster of the school.
On 11 June, 2016, accompanied by Yi Jia Charity Ambassadors,Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting donated NTD 2.2 million to the principal of Huei-Ming Shcool for the Blind, to bring hope for the children in pursuit of dreams and extend Yi Jia’s charity career to Taiwan.
On 2 April, 2016 - the second day of April Fool’s Day, Yi Jia International Malaysia Branch Office decided to abandon the convention of fooling people that day and replace it with heartwarming corporate culture to send joy and love to the children at Rumah Charis.
On 25 February, 2016, led by Ms Amy Xie - wife of Yi Jia International Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting, around 100 Yi Jia partners and employees from all over the world visited the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired, and donated supplies and money to the school through Yi Jia Foundation.
On 6 February, 2016, a 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck Kaohsiung, Taiwan at 4:00 am, with Tainan City hardest hit in the earthquake. Yi Jia International Founder & Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting arranged local employees immediately that day, to send relief goods worth NTD 200,000 to the communities and organizations affected by the disaster. He also urged employees to support local distributors in need of help.
On 28 November, 2015, led by Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting, senior executives and employees, as well as more than 800 family members from Taiwan joined hands with Taiwan Association of Multilevel Marketing to participate in Yi Jia International charity campaign to extend love in Taiwan.
On 14 October, 2015, Yi Jia International Group donated supplies worth NTD 500,000 to Huei-Ming School in Taichung. Yi Jia International Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting proposed an adoption plan during the activity, taking the lead to adopt 4 visually impaired or mentally retarded children himself. He also called on Yi Jia employees to adopt a total of 17 visually impaired or mentally retarded children, to bring light and hope for the children.
On 6 October, 2015, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Datuk George Guo Bingting led a delegation of senior executives, dealer team and employees to visit the House of Joy, Puchong and donated MYR 20,000 to expand learning room and purchase school supplies such as books and stationery and articles for daily use.
On 18 August, 2015, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting led employees and partners to visit Yayasan Assyifa Al-Islam Parung Orphanage and donated USD 20,000 to fund the children there in education.
On 18 March, 2015, Yi Jia International Founder & Board Chairman Mr. George Guo Bingting donated NTD 1 million to Taiwan Charity Foundation under Taiwan Association of Multilevel Marketing.
On 12 August, 2014, Yi Jia International donated MYR 20,000 to Rumah Shalom orphanage to help build learning centers for the children to better grow up.